Chapter 1B

Two establishing panels of the exterior of Willows Bay Secondary School Two girls (Marcy and Ada) are waiting around outside a classroom. Ada says 'What's taking her so long? The bell rang almost 20 minutes ago.' Marcy, who is paying more attention to her sketchbook than to Ada, says 'Maybe she... fell in a sinkhole.' Ada scowls at her and says 'Oh, come on. Be serious.' before considering it, then turning back and asking 'You don't think that actually-' She's cut off by Marcy who says 'No. It was a joke.' Another student runs up the stairs and pushes the door open. Marcy and Ada observe her and Ada calls out her name: 'Paige!' Paige is smiling as she enters the room, saying 'Sorry I'm late!' Paige empties her locker while arguing with Ada. Marcy isn't paying attention and is looking at her phone. Paige apologises 'I didn't mean to stay so late! But Ms Grant wanted some help packing away the hurdles after class...' Ada frowns and dismisses her. 'Right, right, of course... You know, one of these days you could help us get home at a reasonable time.' Paige smiles sheepishly and continues to apologise. 'I know! I'm really sorry, Ada.' Then they all pack up and leave. Paige says 'Alright, let's go!' and Marcy says 'Hey, do you two want to stop by Just Juice on our way home?' As they're walking away, Ada agrees. 'Sure. Sounds nice.' Paige is confused by this. 'Huh?! But, you just said...' Ada interrupts her with an explanation. 'Yes, well, Marcy asked first, unlike you.' An establishing shot of Maritime Place, the main shopping street in Willows Bay. Then, above the shops, a bee-like creature (Pollen) is flying while cradling a bundle. As Pollen flies over the shops, he passes by a strange young man standing on the rooftops. He looks back in shock as the man addresses him. 'Funny running into you here, Pollen.' The man starts to speak, saying 'Why don't-' But Pollen cries 'NOOOOOO' and escapes. The young man scowls and then fishes for something from his pocket. Out of his pocket he pulls a red beetle-like creature, which appears terrified to be in his grasp. He looks it directly in the eyes and instructs it 'Go down there and get her attention, then come back here.' He lets the beetle go and then watches it fly away. The trio of girls from the earlier scene are standing around in an alleyway and enjoying their juice while discussing matters. Ada says 'No, we have the test on Friday. Our class doesn't have maths on Thursdays.' and Paige responds 'Oh, right. Well, I can tell you what's on it, if you want.' Suddenly there's a commotion on the street that the girls can't see. Paige says 'What's going on?' and the three girls peek around the corner. They see a large beetle monster causing havock on Maritime Place. A woman steps out of one of the shops, also investigating the commotion, when she sees the source, she appears horrified. The three girls have ducked back into the alleyway to hide. Marcy asks 'Do you think that's one of King Overgrowth's...' but Paige interrupts her. She says 'No, that's impossible. The Garden Guardians defeated King Overgrowth 10 years ago.' She then has a realisation and exclaims 'Oh! We should go see if anyone needs help!' Ada disapproves and grabs Paige's arm before she can run off. She says 'Get a grip, Paige! This isn't the time for that!' Paige pulls away and says 'This is exactly the time for that!' Marcy runs off after Paige, saying 'Let's go!' and Ada reluctantly follows the two of them. Then they reach the street, it's completely empty. The monster appears to have moved on already. Ada says 'See, there's no one here. They already left. Are you happy now?' Paige agrees, saying 'Yeah, I guess we should get out of-' but Pollen, flying with his eyes closed, runs directly into the back of Paige's head. She exclaims 'Ack!' Pollen apologises, saying 'I'm sorry! That was my fault! I wasn't looking where I was going.' The girls look at Pollen, unsure what to make of him. Paige says 'Um... That's alright.' Then Pollen looks at the three girls and counts them. 'Wait... One, two- Three! There are three of you! You'll have to do!' The girls are not listening to him at all. Marcy and Paige discuss Pollen, while Ada looks disgusted in the background. Marcy asks 'What is that thing?' and Paige says 'I don't know. It's like, a bug or something?' Pollen shouts at them. 'We don't have time for this! Are you three going to become Garden Guardians or not?!' and releases three more beetle-like creatures from the bundle he's been carrying. The beetles fly towards the girls and Paige reaches her hands out to catch the pink one, saying 'Garden... Guardians?' The beetle starts to glow as she grabs it. The three girls appear in silhouette with the symbols of the Pink Poppy, the Purple Nightshade, and the Orange Cosmos over them. The three girls have transformed into Garden Guardians. They look at their new appearances in shock. Paige says 'There's no way...' Paige is delighted at this development. She says 'We're... Garden Guardians?!' Ada is less thrilled. She looks extremely anxious and says 'No, we can't be! What am I going to tell my parents?!' This gets Paige's attention, who starts to argue with her. Paige says 'Was that seriously your first thought?' and Ada responds 'You know what they're like, Paige!' Marcy is not listening to this conversation. She inspects her magical girl outfit, paying close attention to the shoes, and simply says 'Nice.' As the three girls stand on the street, the woman from before is hiding inside her shop from the monster. She looks out the window at the Garden Guardians and seems distressed by this. Pollen breaks up the arguemnt by telling Paige 'Watch out! Behind you!' Paige turns around and says 'It's coming ba-?' but cuts herself off when she sees the beetle monster behind her, about to attack her. She puts her arms out to shield herself from the beetle's kick, and manages to catch its leg in her hands. The beetle dislikes this and roars. Paige comes up with a plan, saying 'We should try to flip it.' Marcy and Ada and confused by this, Ada saying 'What?' but Paige explains. 'Bugs have soft bellies, don't they? I mean, I think they do.' The girls grab the legs of the beetle monster and prepare to flip it. Paige says 'Alright! On my count!' but Marcy asks 'On three or on go?' Paige suggests 'Um... How about on three?' Ada gets irritated and says 'It doesn't matter! Just flip it!' and they all flip the beetle monster onto its back. Paige looks at the beetle monster and asks 'Nice! Now what?' Ada asks Paige 'What do you mean now what?' but before they have a chance to start arguing again, the beetle monster starts to glow. It shrinks back down to its small size and flies away. The girls look at what's going on in confusing, while Pollen seems upset. Paige says 'We... did it?' The beetle flies back to the young man on the rooftop and returns to his hand. He looks down onto the street, unsure. The girls have moved back into the alleyway to discuss what happened. Paige exclaims 'I can't believe we just did that! We're... actually Garden Guardians?!' She then seems to notice Pollen and asks him 'Wait, who are you?' Pollen replies 'My name is Pollen. I'm Florentina Fullbloom's second most trusted fairy partner.' Paige is confused by this. She says 'Are you? I don't remember you from the Garden Guardians' story...' and Pollen, unfazed, replies 'Alright. I was there, though.' The woman from the shop is hiding around the corner, listening in on this conversation. Suddenly the colour starts to drain from the footpath beneath her feet, and dirt and moss seem to appear from nowhere. The woman looks down at this happening. A figure cloaked in light appears before the three girls. She says 'It's a pleasure to meet you, Garden Guardians. My name is-' But she's cut off by Paige, who recognises her. 'Florentina Fullbloom?! THE Florentina Fullbloom?! The one who was captured by King Overgrowth and rescued by the Garden Guardians?' Florentina's expression is completely neutral when she replies 'Amongst other things, yes, but I suppose that is my claim to fame.' Pollen addresses Florentina, saying 'Florentina! I found three new Guardians, just like you asked.' and Florentina replies 'Excellent work, Pollen' She then turns her focus to the girls again, saying 'Now, I imagine you three would like to know what's going on. Allow me to explain.' Florentina calls some flower petals to her hands as she tells a story 'Ten years ago, King Overgrowth sought to control all of the-' But she's once again interrupted by Paige. 'Oh! I know. He wanted your power for himself, right?' Florentina replies 'I see you're already familiar with this story. Let me skip the history lesson, then.' She again manipulates some flower petals, this time into a humanoid shape, and simply says 'King Overgrowth has returned.' Florentina continues to tell the story. 'This time, he seeks to use the power of the magical Flower Fairies to take over Botania.' Paige asks 'Flower Fairies?' and Florentina explains. 'Three of the Flower Fairies are now with you. They lent you their power so you could transform. Three of them are currently in King Overgrowth's possessio. And the seventh... is safely accounted for. Our best chance of defeating Overgrowht is to assemble all of the Flower Fairies. That's what I'd like you three to assist me with.' Florentina continues her story. 'Are you willing to become the protectors of both Willows Bay and Botania, and save the Flower Fairies?' Someone speeks up, which catches Florentina off guard. 'Sorry, uh, Ms Fullbloom?' Florentina looks down, seemingly annoyed. 'Florentina is fine' she says. Ada then speaks. '...Right. Yeah, uh, I don't think I can be a Garden Guardian. I have to be home by five, so...' Florentina looks at her in disbelief. She simply says 'You what?' Marcy then speaks up. 'I have a question too. Can I swap Flower Fairies with one of my friends if I don't like the colour I got?' Ada is confused by this, saying 'I thought purple was your favourite colour...?' Marcy explains, saying 'Yes, but my favourite colour might change.' Ada doesn't understand what she's getting at and says 'What...?' Paige then pushes Ada out of the way and asks her own questions. 'Oh! Me! I ahve a question! How is King Overgrowth back? I thought the Garden Guardians defeated him! Where are the old Garden Guardians? Can we meet them? Oh, are we going to get our own Botanic Batons?' Florentina is extremely overwhelmed by Paige's enthusiasm and makes an excuse to leave. 'H-hmm, what's that? It seems that I'm needed back in Botania. I have to go, but I'll be back soon to answer your questions.' With that, Florentina, leave, looking nervous. With Florentina gone, the girls turn their attention back to Pollen, except for Marcy who is on her phone again. Ada asks Pollen 'So what's your deal, then? You're a fairy?' Pollen says 'Yes.' Ada asks 'But you're not one of the seven magical Flower Fairies.' Pollen says 'No.' Ada says 'That must be tough.' and Pollen says 'I like to think I have other qualities.' The woman from the shop is peeking around the corner, then addresses the girls by their Garden Guardian titles. 'Pink Poppy, Purple Nightshade, Orange Cosmos...' The girls turn around, startled, and Paige exclaims 'We were found out already?!' The woman from the shop approaches them. She says 'I'm sorry, I know you three are probably confused, but I- I think I can help you.' Paige asks 'Sorry, who are you...?' The woman and Pollen acknowledge each other. She says 'It's good to see you, Pollen. It's been a while.' and he simply replies 'Natsu...' Paige then has a realisation, and says 'Wait are you...' Paige remembers the day Red Zinnia saved her from Overgrowth's minions, then looks at Natsu. She recognises them as one and the same, and shouts '...Red Zinnia?!'


Chapter 1B

20 September 2024

The middle part of the first chapter is finally complete! This took way longer than it reasonably should have. I promise the next chapter will be done sooner than this one. Thank you for reading!
